Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Daze of Summer

Yup, dazed! Especially when it comes to updating this thing. Doesn't mean I haven't been busting stuff out though.
I've been getting a little confused with what colors to use as we approach fall. Is it summer or is it fall at the end of August in California? That is what I have been asking myself lately. A part of me wants me to wear my booty shorts and tank top, all the while, I string hot pink and orange beads on wire screaming "SUMMMM-AAAARRRRR!!!". YET, as September is just around the corner, there is a huge part of me that wants to drink a cup of tea, wear my flannel and booty shorts, while sorting through my beads of pyrite, turquoise, and colors of mustard, grey, and red. What's a indecisive color obsessed girl to do?